Jayanthi Srikishen
Email: JSrikishen @ usra.edu
Ms. Srikishen has worked with the MSFC/UAH Earth Science group for over 25 years on numerous projects. Her expertise includes scalar, vector, parallel and distributed programming, various programming languages, data conversion and organization of very large weather datasets, software development tools including compilers and debuggers. She is also responsible for implementing and modifying scientific weather models used in numerical simulations and visualization systems used to model and analyze atmospheric data.
Master of Science in Computer Science (1987), University of Houston - Clear Lake, School of Science and Computer Engineering
Computational Scientist (1987 - Present), USRA/NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
Programmer (1985 - 1986), LPI/USRA, Houston, TX
Case, J. L, S. V. Kumar, J. Srikishen, and G. J. Jedlovec, 2011: Improving Numerical Weather Predictions of Summertime Precipitation over the Southeastern United States through a High-Resolution Intialization of the Surface State. Wea. Forecasting, 26, 785-807
Oglesby, R.J T. L. Sever, W. Saturno, D. J. Erickson III, and J. Srikishen, 2010: Collapse of the Maya: Could deforestation have contributed? J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres. 115, D12
Hernandez, J. L., J. Srikishen, D. J. Erickson III, R. J. Oglesby, and D. Irwin, 2006: A regional climate study of Central America using the MM5 modeling system: Results and comparison to observations, Int. J. Clim., 26(15), 2161-2179